One Uniquely awesome feature, a few bad ones.
This app needs a more precise way to enter exact figures for distance and f-stop. THIS APP IS INCOMPLETE without the ability to type in distances. As a Director of Photography, my camera operators measure and log exact distances. Having to scroll tediously to get calculations with these numbers is counterintuitive, wastes time, and takes my focus away from the shot.
The sliders are good when you can change camera settings or subject distance for your shot to get the depth you want. But in cinematography, when you cannot always adjust the f-stop or move the camera, you just need to know what you have to work with. When this happens, the sliders get in the way, as the distance and f-stop are fixed. This is why truly professional applications have multiple ways of entering the same information; each method helps with a different paradigm of thought.
That being said, the camera bag functionality is unique to this app. Its a fantastic feature; one that is true to how photographers and DPs work.
BHobb about
f/8 DoF Calculator